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The True WMSCOG | April 23, 2024

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Love Bombing and the WMSCOG

Love Bombing and the WMSCOG

“Love Bombing is the reason they are nice to you at the WMSCOG.”

When people visit the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) there is one thing they cannot deny – the Church members are very kind, welcoming and pleasant to be around. Many visitors find this comforting and, at many times, it’s what helps individuals accept the teachings of the Bible. However, “cult experts” and their disciples, who dislike the Church and label the Church as a “cult,” say that the only reason the members are nice to you in the Church is because they are “love Bombing” you.

“Love Bombing” is a term used by “cult experts” to explain the reason why the groups they label as “cults” are nice to individuals. They go on to explain that the love is not real and that groups use this as a tactic to manipulate and deceive people into joining the “cult.” It is another one of the “psychological techniques” used in “cults” to “brainwash” the unsuspecting “recruits.”

Once again, this elaborate definition, invented by “cult experts” and their followers, goes against the tenets of the Bible. This is once again an example of how these made-up definitions inhibit WMSCOG members from freely practicing their faith.

Jesus Also Love Bombed His Disciples

Love Bombing and the World Mission Society Church of God

Matthew 22:36-40 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was in the law, He replied, to love God with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Could we say that Jesus was teaching His believers to “love Bomb” their neighbors? Obviously we cannot say that, but if we follow the principles of “cult experts” then we have to say so.

Luke 10:33-37 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’ “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

If we try to follow the teachings of Christ and put into practice our love towards our neighbors in the way the Good Samaritan did, are we at risk of being accused of being part of a “cult” that is just employing “psychological techniques of brainwashing,” such as “love Bombing”? Where do we draw the line between what is acceptable Christian behavior and what is condemned as “cult-like behavior” by “cult experts”?

Irresponsible Labeling of Groups As “Cults” Creates Religious Discrimination

As I explained in other articles, the label “cult,” which is irresponsibly applied by “cult experts” based on broad labeling theories, inhibits Christians like the members of the World Mission Society Church of God from practicing their faith in accordance with the Bible.

The Bible teaches us to treat people with love and respect. But, now we cannot put those teachings into practice because if we do, then we will be considered to be in a “dangerous cult.”

1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Romans 13:8-10 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the lawLove does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

How do we practice the teachings described in the verses above, if according to “cult experts” that is a “psychological brainwashing technique” of “love bombing?” Do we then have to be mean to people when they come to Church so that we are not seen as a “cult?” Should we not talk to each other and avoid being nice to each other in Church because we might be “love bombing” one another? This type of labeling creates trust issues between members and social conflicts, which the teachings of Christ are meant to fix.

As I have said in other articles, the label “cult” turns a normal Christian practice into something evil. Showing concern for a person now becomes “love bombing,” and thus affects the faith of the Church members.

What do you think the man in the picture is doing?

Don't Judge Too Quickly - Ameriquest Commercial. WMSCOG Love Bombing

Don’t Judge Too Quickly

This image is taken from an insurance company commercial. Although it is just a commercial, it proves a point. People will be quick to judge without knowing or understanding the situation. Before you judge the World Mission Society Church of God, or its members, please visit the Church and see for yourself what the Church is like.

Matthew 24:12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold

If you are interested to see what really happens with the man and the cat watch the video below.


  1. Jackie E

    I am so shocked that people really believe these so called cult experts. Everything they say is against all common sense. So if I want to not be a part of a cult, I have to go against what Christ and the bible teach me? … So they are telling me basically that following the bible and Christ is wrong?! Meaning don’t have faith in God because that’s wrong?! … These so called “cult experts” are experts in making absolutely no sense.

  2. Antonia

    Wow, love bombing? Really?! What will the “cult experts” think of next? It’s seems like they are running out of things to accuse the WMSCOG of doing and now they’re just being ridiculous. Its true what the bible says, to the corrupt everything is corrupt…even basic manners we try to teach children like being nice and loving becomes a problem to them. I hope everyone can see through the lies they’re spreading about the WMSCOG and come see the truth about the church for yourself!

  3. Stephania

    Wao!! truly this article was so amazing, you can see how now a days it doesn’t matter what you do, even if you are super nice trying to put the teachings of God into practice some people are just always gonna have something to say, I can’t imagine how I would feel in a church that follows God with Grumpy faces, I’m so thankful that all the members in the WMSCOG are always so happy and can’t help but always show their thabkfuness and happiness to God so Natural 🙂

  4. Tiffany N

    When i first came to the Church of God, i would have to say it was a little strange for me that everyone was so caring and nice especially since i didnt grow up in that sort of environment being from NY. Even though i found it strange i came to realize it was and still is sincere and genuine. Its so sad that we live in a world that people cannot be “too nice” or “too caring” because if they are, they’re considered a “cult”. I mean whats the problem with coming to a place with people who are sincerly nice in a world
    full of drama?. Honestly… The Church follows the teachings of Christ and Christ is the perfect example of love and definition of love. Its so sad how these self proclaimed “cult experts” make pretty much no sense at all.

  5. Darius

    Its truly sad how expressing love to one another is viewed as something evil. Everything that is branded as a “cult” goes against the teachings of the bible which brings religious discrimination. If people are happy and loving in the church it shows a lot about their faith. I really hope people will see the church for what it really is rather than putting their trust on these “cult experts”.

    • Israel S.

      It is really sad. Calling love evil is literally calling God evil and proving that they don’t live in God but are workers of satan… 1 John 4:8 and 4:16. Experts in biology practice biology, experts in psychology practice psychology…experts in cults…guessing they practice the work of cults themselves

  6. Shannon Peraza

    Wow! This article was such an eye opener on how many people in this world will stop at nothing until what they want is achieved. I am a member of the church of God as well and the reason I fell in love with it was because of the love I was shown. In today’s society we can truly see that the love weshoukd have for each other is quickly fading. The proof is in the news the papers and in our everyday lives. As we very well know our job as Gods followers is to clearly follow the example of Chirst . Jesus said 2,000 years ago that whomever does the will of God is considered my brother or my sister . Then clearly we can see that loving one another is the example Chirst gave us .We should follow Gods will and teaching 100%. No matter what anyone says. Love has grown cold and we should be the light that shines Gods love .

  7. Quinn

    Isa 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
    In essence cult experts are saying there is too much love in the WMSCOG. They always try to make what is good seem wrong and what is the light of God seem like darkness. If I go to a school that gives me a lot of knowledge and changes me for the better, should I think that they just want my money or to exploit me in some other way? God’s church will always be filled with love because God continually gives us love.

  8. Roy Savage

    Wow! This is so cool. I can’t believe people would be so against showing love to one another. Especially since this is what the world lacks nowadays. The video was funny and I can definitely see how people can judge too quickly. GREAT Article!

  9. Roberto S

    People are insane and micro judge every single thing inside the wmscog. Love? Thats a natural thing amongst people who really believe in God. So in order to not be labeled as a cult, then we all have to become agnostics? These people have no understanding about God at all!

  10. Serena

    I think slanderers are out of slanders to go against our Church, that’s why they make up so ridiculous slanders that obviously is not from the Bible and even going against the Bible. Our church has the perfect truth so no matter how hard slanderers try to slander our church, it is no use. They are just wasting their time and bringing judgement on themselves. I give thanks to Father and Mother for leading me to the true Church (WMSCOG) that practices all the teachings of Jesus 100% ^-^

  11. Brandyn

    What I have come to realize from these “experts” is that if we were to live in the proposed world that they call “normal”, it would be a place of mean people. They would not do the things Jesus Did. They would not talk about God nor keep his commands. People would roam the earth doing whatever their nature tells them to do. To be honest, that kind of place sounds like hell to me. I’ve learned to not even give these jokers the time of day. It’s no wonder they slander the Church of God. How else are they going to make money? Soon everyone will see that these people who claim to be experts are doing more harm than good to society. I don’t see them out cleaning a lake, or feeding homeless people, or donating the money they earn to a third world country. Remember, by their fruit, you will recognize them.

    • jaika


  12. Paola Rendon

    People will always have something to say whether is good or bad. I honestly think that these “cult experts” will always try to find fault against the church no matter how good the church does. The WMSCOG is the only organization in the world who puts the teachings of God into practice. Not only they teach the word of God but sincerely show their love for the people inside and outside of the church. By looking at all the awards the church has received we can see how the world views the church. The church is love because God is Love!

  13. Davina

    This has to be one of the craziest things I have ever heard of …”love bombing??” It’s so ridiculous because we clearly don’t want “hate bombing” so then when will the behavior ever be good in these “cult experts” eyes ? Have you heard of the old saying that ” your damned if you do and your damned if you don’t? ” Their intention is clearly not right!!! When dis loving one another become evil?

  14. Fantasia

    Amazing article. It is a shame that people are so quick to judge the Church of God with false evidences. First of all, I’m so grateful to be apart of the Church of God because we are true Family. Actually when you think about the ideal perfect family the key element to connect them all is through LOVE. Absoultely, without a doubt, coming to the Church of God even for the first time I felt 100% genuine Love and still feel it till today!

    The things people are saying is utter non sense and ridiculous. Please before judging the Church of God come verify your judgement by visiting for yourself.

    The articles just get more and more great.

  15. Oscar G.

    The love shared in the Church of God is the most genuine love I’ve ever felt. As I grew in faith I realize what was the source of this love, God!
    If caring and showing that you care is now frown upon it just goes to show how bad things out in our society. If we are rude or uninterested when others come to the church they would speak negatively about us, we show love and they speak negatively. We will continue to show love because it’s the teaching God has asked us to share with the world.

    Cops prove who they are with their badge
    Marshall on a plane shows who he is with his badge

    Cult experts prove who they are with?
    Nothing their profession does not exist.