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The True WMSCOG | April 19, 2024

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The Truth About Speaking in Tongues

The Truth About Speaking in Tongues Picture

People adhering to the Christian faith value the works of the Holy Spirit the most, and among these works, “the gift of speaking in tongues” is frequently mentioned. Believers insist that gibberish such as “sha-na-hoya,” “lana kanna saee yahai” or “Eh-comdeka-kakakubra akori” can be used in a conversation with God. Through this article, let’s understand what “speaking in tongues” means, and what is the way to communicate with God.

The Origin of Speaking in Tongues

Acts 2:1-4 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

Speaking in tongues is something that took place 2,000 years ago during the feast of the Pentecost. On the day of his ascension, Jesus told His disciples to remain in Jerusalem until they received the gift that God had promised them, that was the power of the Holy Spirit. The day on which the disciples received the gift of the Holy Spirit was the day of Pentecost. On that day, the disciples displayed the gift of the Holy Spirit by speaking in tongues and many people were born again in Christ.

The history of speaking in other tongues began this way and also signified being a special person in the Christian community during those days. It was believed that if you received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, then you must be a blessed person chosen by God.

1 Corinthians 12:28-31 And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? But eagerly desire the greater gifts. And now I will show you the most excellent way.

In a church, there are pastors, missionaries, deacons and other people with assigned duties established by God, and God gives them gifts that are appropriate for their duties. Because of this, some of the believers at that time, who liked to boast about themselves, began to say that they had experienced speaking in tongues and they began to speak unintelligible words that no one could understand nor were they speaking any language spoken in this world. As a defense, some Christians today claim that “speaking in tongues” literally means “speaking in heavenly languages.”

As a result, since the church’s growth started to concentrate on the outer appearance of the church rather than on the basis of the Bible, “tongues that no one could understand” were created. This was in an effort to gather as many people as possible to a particular church and preachers established that “speaking in tongues” was a prerequisite to determining if God was with them. Those who spoke in tongues gained fame and also drew many believers to their church. This kind of marvelous and miraculous deed was very effective in leading people to gather in the church.

Today, several Pentecostal, Evangelical and Catholic Churches teach that speaking in tongues is something that people cannot understand, but only God can. They even go as far as to say that God created “speaking in tongues” as a way to communicate with God that the devil would not understand. However, we cannot find any history of using unintelligible words in the Bible. Nor does the Bible express that “tongues” are “angelic words” or “heavenly language.”

Other Tongues Mean Foreign Languages

“Tongues,” as testified in the Bible, indicates “foreign languages” that exist on this earth. Genesis, which contains the history of God’s creation, clearly shows God saying that tongues mean foreign languages.

Genesis 10:5 from these the maritime peoples spread out into their territories by their clans within their nations, each with its own language.

After God punished mankind through Noah’s flood, he allowed Noah numerous descendants and from them came many nations and tribes, and God gave each nation and tribe a different language. We can see that tongues are language structures that differ based on social class and region. Let’s see some Bible verses about this:

2 Kings 18:28 Then the commander stood and called out in Hebrew (the Jews’ language, KJV): Hear the word of the great king, the king of Assyria!

Nehemiah 13:24 Half of their children spoke the language of Ashdod or the language of one of the other peoples, and did not know how to speak the language of Judah.

Isaiah 19:18 In that day five cities in Egypt will speak the language of Canaan and swear allegiance to the LORD Almighty. One of them will be called the City of Destruction.

We can see through these verses that tongues are languages used in certain regions. The Bible does not define “speaking in tongues” as “saying things that people cannot understand.” Even the apostles, who spoke in tongues after they had received the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, did not speak words that people could not understand. Rather, the people who came from different regions were able to understand what they were saying.

Acts 2:5-7 Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. Utterly amazed, they asked: “Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans? Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language?”

When you continue reading the verse, you will see that these men came from around 13 different countries, yet they were all able to understand what the disciples were saying in their own language. This shows that the tongues the disciples spoke during the Pentecost are not the same unintelligible words that churches today claim to speak. The work of speaking in tongues means preaching the words of God to unbelievers with languages that exist on this earth.

“But in the Church, I would rather speak five intelligible words…than ten thousand words in a tongue.”

Apostle Paul claimed to speak in tongues, however, he said that he would rather speak in words that others are able to understand rather than in a language that no one would understand.

1 Corinthians 14:18-19 I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. But in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue.

The tongues that Apostle Paul was referring to in the letter to the Corinthians were not gibberish, but actual languages that Apostle Paul spoke.

Acts 21:40 Having received the commander’s permission, Paul stood on the steps and motioned to the crowd. When they were all silent, he said to them in Aramaic:

Acts 14:11 When the crowd saw that Paul had done, they shouted in the Lycaonian language, “The gods have come down to us in human form!”

Apostle Paul also received the gift of speaking in tongues through the Holy Spirit of God, yet they were not gibberish full of unintelligible words. Instead, Apostle Paul was fluent in several languages such as Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Lycaonian languages.

Speaking in Tongues Was a Gift to Preach the Gospel to the Whole World

Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

After Jesus resurrected, He gave His disciples an important mission: to preach the gospel to all nations of the world. For this reason, after the feast of Pentecost, Christ gave His disciples the gift of speaking in tongues so that they could carry out the duty He entrusted to them.

One thing we should pay attention to when we see the works of the apostles is that they received the gift of speaking in tongues after keeping God’s feast, the Day of Pentecost. Nevertheless, if people say that they’ve received the gift of speaking in tongues without keeping the feast of Pentecost, they are clearly lying. God will never give any gifts of the Holy Spirit to those who do not keep God’s holy feasts.

Today, in accordance with the words of Christ, the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG), which was established by Christ Ahnsahnghong, fulfills the works of what speaking in tongues after receiving the Holy Spirit really means. The WMSCOG has established branches in 2,500 locations in 175 countries.

Let us keep the feasts of God, and after receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit, let us proclaim the glory of God to the whole world.


  1. Shannon

    Wow this artical is amazing! Through this we can see just how far people go in distorting the bible . In this day in age we really need to be careful to follow the truth of the Bible . Now we can see the correct interpretation of speaking in tongues . Let’s us not follow the churches that falsely claim to speak in tongues but follow the true church with the correct interpretation which is the Church Of God !

  2. Kim

    It’s shocking and tragic the practices and teachings the false prophets and teachers conjure up…and people are led completely astray by them. I hope that through this post people are able to discern more clearly the difference between the false churches and the true church established by God.

  3. John

    God bless you. This post was really insightful. Thanking for sharing with us.
    Will you also clarify about the Verse in Proverbs 8:22 where other Christians claim it to be for Jesus?

  4. Jordan H

    This article couldn’t be more clear that “tongues” refers to different languages. At that time, they needed the gift of tongues in order to spread the gospel in other parts of the world. Obviously, a language is refers to a form of speech that allows you to communicate with others who speak that same language. However, if no one can understand you because you’re making it up or just making noise, then it is not a language! The Bible doesn’t refer to babbling as speaking in tongues as other churches teach, but refers to an actual language. So the fact that other churches teach that babbling is proof of them recieving the Holy Spirit is not correct. The only way that God can give God’s people the Holy Spirit is if we keep the commandments of God. I’m thankful for all the truth that God brought us so we can have a correct understanding of the Bible and ultimately receive salvation!!

  5. Lauren H

    It couldn’t be clearer. How would standing around, babbling words that cannot be understood benefit the gospel?

    It is obvious that speaking in tongues refers to preaching! That is how we can accomplish the mission of saving the world. I pity those who waste their time in false churches doing things that do not benefit their spirit. I am thankful to have received the true Holy Spirit.

  6. Ellie

    I obviously speak for many of us out there when i say I was definitely confused and a little creeped out when I saw people speaking in “tongues” in other churches, especially Pentecostal churches in the past. The work of the Holy Spirit should be reaffirming, NOT CREEPY or crazy.

  7. Mrs.Lo

    It’s very strange how people choose to worship God. I still remember the 1st and last day I went to a crazy church that thought they spoke in “Tongues”. I always new in my heart that was very weird. Gibberish, yelling and kids running around like maniacs… Very weird especially for a church setting. I cannot thank God enough for opening the eyes of the world to the truth about speaking in tongues. It literally means preaching the word of God in another language! Such a simple thing that people twist.

  8. Luisa G.

    Thanks to Elohim God for letting us understand this! Amazing!

  9. It would seem that if anyone claims to speak in tongues as a sign of receiving the Holy Spirit… first and foremost they should keep the Words of Christ that guarantee the way to receive the Holy Spirit. Without fulfilling his words, we cannot just assume that our actions are being guided by the Holy Spirit…

    The gifts God gave to the disciples 2000 years ago were with a purpose and those gifts were a blessing granted after keeping the Feasts of God. If they had not kept the Feasts not only would they not have received Holy Spirit, but there would be no special gifts to benefit the members and to spread the Gospel. Today- those who claim to speak in tongues may elicit emotions and excitement among spectators, but if all those present do not keep the commands of God and the Feasts that promise the blessings of the Holy Spirit then the work is neither beneficial nor holy in any way.

    Those who keep the Feasts of God in zion and are sealed with the Spirit of God through the New Covenant are truly blessed. All things are possible when God is inside!

  10. Elliot A.

    Oh boy! I had to stop part way through the video to laugh.

    Have you ever heard the phrase, “Monkey see, monkey do!” That could be considered social phenomena as well but I guess that would not be considered award-winning journalism. I could skip these type of false devotional services knowing that their sense of speaking gibberish is not speaking in tongues as recorded in the Bible.

    I had to fight the urge to stop the video a few times, but I could not fight it anymore after the one guy from the catholic church in New Jersey claimed to have the gift of interpreting the gibberish. The reporter asked if he could actually hear words and he answered, “ugh no!” Wow!

    To be honest, when they slowed down the video and audio, the gibberish sounded very demonic as if they were directly in communication with satan. They have a gift of the spirit, but it must be the spirit of the evil one as described in the Bible.

    It was equally shocking and not so shocking to see that even the catholic church is jumping in on the action. Upon careful examination of its doctrines, the catholic church likes to incorporate popular non-biblical beliefs into its worship. Ever read about christmas, easter, halloween, st. patrick’s day, etc in the Bible? No!?!? Me neither! No one has! Never will!

    It is sad that so many people are being so easily deceived. I am sure some of them really want to have direct communication with God and simply do not know the way. I thank God for opening the way for me to learn how to pray to God according to God’s will as taught in the Bible. Studying at the World Mission Society Church of God is the way!

  11. Angela Black

    I am so thankful for this blog! It was really helpful to open the eyes of my friend who has just now started attending the church of God. She came from a pentecostal background and she was raised to believed that gibberish speaking was a sign of the gift of God. However, no one from her church was able to prove why they speak in such “tongues” when she started coming to the church of God it was one of her questions. This blog really gave a clear answer of the orgin of tongues, what it means, and where the other “tongues” belief came from.

    It is clear tongues was a gift given so that the gospel could spread. Clear and testified in the bible, finally a church that can clarify it’s practices. Thank you Church of God!°