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The True WMSCOG | April 25, 2024

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Is the World Mission Society Church of God Racist?

The World Mission Society Church of God is not Racist!

Ricardo and Angela are members of the World Mission Society Church of God who would like to clarify some erroneous rumors about the Church. In this video Ricardo and Angela want to clarify the disinformation about the World Mission Society Church of God encouraging abortion for its members and the lies about how the Church is a racist Church who looks down on its members of color. To put it in their own words:

Hi. This is Ricardo and Angela we are active members of the World Mission Society Church of GodWhile attending the Church we have heard some negative rumors about how the Church is racist, and how the Church encourages its members not to have children, to the point of encouraging the members to have abortions if they are expecting to have a child. We can absolutely say that is all they are RUMORS. As you can see we are of different ethnic backgrounds, and at no moment have we ever felt discriminated in the Church, what is more we can say from personal experience to have endured more discrimination outside of the Church. We are also expecting our first child, and from the moment we broke the news to the congregation until now we haven’t received anything but support from all the Church members.  If you have any concerns ask a member of the church and if you are already a member of the church, ask your overseer. We are very happy to be part of the Church of God.

Just like Ricardo and Angela, many other members of the WMSCOG can easily disprove the false accusations being made against the Church. You can read more testimonies from World Mission Society Church of God members and share yours as well. The teachings of the World Mission Society Church of God are creating beautiful families full of love and understanding for one another.


  1. Serene

    I absolutely agree with Ricardo and Angela, I was surprised that everyone was so friendly when I first visited the Church of God, although they have never met me before, I am from another country, didn’t speak english well, and wasn’t from a christian background. I always feel welcomed no matter which Church of God I visited!

  2. Naynay

    All these rumors about the church of God are beyond ignorant. They come from people who judge quickly and know nothing about the C.O.G. its sad and breaks my heart that people say such things. But then again I realize its phrophecies and things like this are suppose to happen to reveal the truth. It happened 2000 years ago when people persecuted the Church Of God and Jesus. I just pray To Elohim people take a chance and see for themselves. There are many members who have been pregnant and we supported the sisters even bought the babies gifts. All those babies I’ve seen grow in Zion and its a blessing. Never has the Church Of God told any member to get an abortion so this is false and like brother and sister said our church has many ethnic backgrounds so how can we be racist? we have thousands of Churches around the world of different cultures. So really how is The Church racist. Congrats brother Ricardo and sister Angela on the baby..!! May God Bless You and the baby. Also may GOD BLESS ALL MY HEAVENLY FAMILY ON THIS EARTH. BEAR BEAUTIFUL FRUITS AND LEAD ABUNDANT SOULS TO THE TRUTH AND PROSPER IN EVERYTHING. WE LOVE YOU❤❤❤❤❤FATHER AHNSAHNGHONG AND HEAVENLY JERUSALEM OUR MOTHER WE LOVE YOU❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. Carolina

    Well said!! I loved this video and made me laugh a little because I didn’t expect that rumor to come out. The Church of God World Mission Society is the most multicultural church I have ever seen in my life and I have been to many churches!. “World mission Society” means that Church of God is stablished in many countries around the world for all kind of races and cultures and it’s so ridiculous how someone can say that there is racism in the church! The pastors and leaders of the Church of God always adapt themselves to the culture and food of the country were they are, and teach the word of God with love. It’s clear that someone who said that the Church of God is racist, has no knowledge at all about the church and most likely hasn’t even been a member. Let’s not listen to mere rumors. Come by and see for yourself.

  4. Nicole Simone

    Wow it’s crazy that people are now trying to say that the WMSCOG is racist. I personally love to be immersed in culture from all around the world and chose my college based off of diversity, so in that respect I would never attend a church that wasn’t diverse. Actually I didn’t attend church, AT ALL, for 22 years before coming to Zion -but anyways.. my point is I would never decide to join a church that wasn’t diverse. And any True Christian would know, as my sister Angela said it is not about skin tone or race -it’s about the heart. God is not concerned with the flesh but with our spirit. So please don’t listen to people who are lying and trying to delude you from the truth. ACTUALLY some of the sisters that I am very close with are black, African American and I myself am a white American. So once again as my brother Ricardo said, if you truly want to know how the Church of God is -please come and study the Bible with us. Have dinner with us, fellowship with us, spend some time and worship with us and see for yourself. If you want to know true God all you will need to do is study about Christ AhnSahngHong and Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem through the Bible.

  5. Davina

    I remember the day I found out that Angela was pregnant! I was so happy that I couldn’t contain myself. Her and Ricardo are beautiful and are about to have a beautiful family. How can people try to badmouth the Church and their faith and beliefs? There is even a bible study in our church called heavenly and earthly family. We promote the unity of families!!

  6. Merealess

    I hope everyone who watches this video realizes that the rumors against the WMSCOG are all false. I am a member of the church and I am Hispanic. I have never experienced any racism or discrimination. I deeply believe all people are equal no matter race or background, that is why I feel so comfortable in the church. Within the WMSCOG you can experience unity and the importance of family.

  7. Sarai

    This claim is almost funny…. the World Mission Society Church of God is the single most diverse church I have seen in my entire life. Seriously??

  8. To hear our church is racist is absolutely absurd and ridiculous. The WMSCOG overflows with diversity, love and family.
    Jesus said in Matthew 28:18, “Go and Make Disciples of ALL NATIONS..” definitely all nations are seen in the WMSCOG- this is prophecy fulfillment.
    Through my diverse brothers and sisters, I have learned about different cultures and backgrounds aside my Latina roots. Also, what’s a family without sharing food together? Here, I have tasted many different ethnic delicious foods during our family mealtimes. Just last month I have eaten Liberian, Persian, Korean foods- & tonight’s feature is Mexican. The many races, colors, & ethnicities of our member’s contribute in making the World Mission Society Church of God the best!
    So please come and visit and see for yourself how beautiful and harmonious everyone matter the race or skin tone… you are welcome too!

  9. Seon

    To say that the World Mission Society Church of God is racist is pretty laughable. If that was the case then I would not be a part of such a wonderful family environment. Thanks to Father and Mother for blessing us to be able to be in Zion and to be able to see the truth. I hope the members aren’t discouraged by the rumors and put all faith in Father and Mother.

  10. Max

    Actually before joining the church of God, I was very racist. When you join the church you realize Christ is not about the physical, but the spiritual. It doesn’t matter what color you are because that’s physical. The physical can’t inherit the kingdom of God, but your spirit can. In Galatians 3:28 it says “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Race or gender is not a factor when it comes to the bible as long as you receive God. Through this Church I was able to be united with all races and learn so much about their cultures. (I’m not racist anymore because of this church).

    Now I can eat plantains with my Spanish brothers and Kimchi with my Korean brothers on the same plate. It’s amazing you have to come to the World Mission Society Church of God, when you come I will have a plate ready for you.

  11. Amanda

    Angela and Ricardo, great video! So glad you posted this! And there’s a few more similar testimonials posted if I’m not mistaken. I encourage anyone who isn’t a member or who is a newer member of the church to check out these testimonials and see that the rumors being spread about our church are simply the result of someone’s lack of understanding and their unwillingness to speak truthfully. This church is a family, supports families, and loves ALL of it’s family members. Congrats to Ang and Ricardo on your new baby!

  12. Chamerra

    This is such a beautiful video! Thank you for sharing your life and experience with us all to address the nonsense rumors being spread about the WMSCOG.

    I have unfortunately felt the negativity of racism while growing up being perceived as ‘African-American’ and/or ‘Black’ while walking hand in hand with my ‘White’ mother. I have experienced horrible profiling and prejudices, heard insults and ridicule hurled at my inter-racial parents, and defended my siblings from stereotypes and labeling. With such ignorance roaming around this world still in this advanced millennium, I had gone a long time intolerance and sorrow towards racism and those who spread it. I had built up a wall, feeling unloved and unwanted in any and all ‘race’ groups. I stopped trusting in true friendship and kinship.

    Then… I began to attend to World Mission Society Church of God. Every day I came for bible study and every event I attended, I carefully observed the interaction between the uncountable varying races of the members. For the first time (no exaggeration..) I saw no segregation, ‘cliques’, or grouping by race; I saw no preference or favoritism shown to one ‘race’ over the other. I only witnessed love for one another and united work to glorify God Almighty! How amazing! Still to this day, even years later, I observe the same effortlessly blended family environment in the church.

    I am so proud to call myself a member of the Church of God where truly God’s teachings and love is shared amongst ALL peoples, languages and tongues throughout the entire world!

  13. Quinn

    Even after almost three years in the WMSCOG, these types of things had not even occurred to me. Racism is nonexistent in the church and I cannot even imagine anyone even coming close to suggesting abortion, much less the false claims that it is being forced upon members. The WMSCOG is the true church of Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother. We, Their children, do not follow the pattern of this world filled with racism and hate.
    1 John 2:9 Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness. Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble.

  14. Delvaughn

    Seriously??!! I am a black male and I’ve been a member of WMSCOG for about 4 years now. I must say that it is the most diverse and family oriented organization that I’ve ever seen…It’s a large family!!!! 🙂 From day one, I’ve never experienced nor have I seen even the slightest hint of racism. I LOVE WMSCOG WITH MY WHOLE HEART!!! Please do not listen to these false rumors and visit this AMAZING church so that you too can experience the love of a family.

  15. Sharlene. M

    O my! Saying this church is racist would be denying we have Churches in practically every country in the world. Everyone knows Church of God takes words of Christ so serious lol, then why would we be racist? Jesus said preach to all nations! I am jamaican I was invited by an American, baptized by a Latino,the person I call best friend whenever I see her is European. A Korean Deacon in my country went all the way to my home town ,around four hours with his own expenses to teach my Jamaican mom about sabbath day as God taught him. I also belive in God who came in flesh in korea (as the bible teaches). Church of God should be call United Races but then again its already in the name (Church of God “World Mission Society”). This is awesomely true! 🙂