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The True WMSCOG | May 3, 2024

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Love Bombing and the WMSCOG

Love Bombing and the WMSCOG

“Love Bombing is the reason they are nice to you at the WMSCOG.”

When people visit the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) there is one thing they cannot deny – the Church members are very kind, welcoming and pleasant to be around. Many visitors find this comforting and, at many times, it’s what helps individuals accept the teachings of the Bible. However, “cult experts” and their disciples, who dislike the Church and label the Church as a “cult,” say that the only reason the members are nice to you in the Church is because they are “love Bombing” you.

“Love Bombing” is a term used by “cult experts” to explain the reason why the groups they label as “cults” are nice to individuals. They go on to explain that the love is not real and that groups use this as a tactic to manipulate and deceive people into joining the “cult.” It is another one of the “psychological techniques” used in “cults” to “brainwash” the unsuspecting “recruits.”

Once again, this elaborate definition, invented by “cult experts” and their followers, goes against the tenets of the Bible. This is once again an example of how these made-up definitions inhibit WMSCOG members from freely practicing their faith.

Jesus Also Love Bombed His Disciples

Love Bombing and the World Mission Society Church of God

Matthew 22:36-40 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was in the law, He replied, to love God with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Could we say that Jesus was teaching His believers to “love Bomb” their neighbors? Obviously we cannot say that, but if we follow the principles of “cult experts” then we have to say so.

Luke 10:33-37 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’ “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

If we try to follow the teachings of Christ and put into practice our love towards our neighbors in the way the Good Samaritan did, are we at risk of being accused of being part of a “cult” that is just employing “psychological techniques of brainwashing,” such as “love Bombing”? Where do we draw the line between what is acceptable Christian behavior and what is condemned as “cult-like behavior” by “cult experts”?

Irresponsible Labeling of Groups As “Cults” Creates Religious Discrimination

As I explained in other articles, the label “cult,” which is irresponsibly applied by “cult experts” based on broad labeling theories, inhibits Christians like the members of the World Mission Society Church of God from practicing their faith in accordance with the Bible.

The Bible teaches us to treat people with love and respect. But, now we cannot put those teachings into practice because if we do, then we will be considered to be in a “dangerous cult.”

1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Romans 13:8-10 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the lawLove does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

How do we practice the teachings described in the verses above, if according to “cult experts” that is a “psychological brainwashing technique” of “love bombing?” Do we then have to be mean to people when they come to Church so that we are not seen as a “cult?” Should we not talk to each other and avoid being nice to each other in Church because we might be “love bombing” one another? This type of labeling creates trust issues between members and social conflicts, which the teachings of Christ are meant to fix.

As I have said in other articles, the label “cult” turns a normal Christian practice into something evil. Showing concern for a person now becomes “love bombing,” and thus affects the faith of the Church members.

What do you think the man in the picture is doing?

Don't Judge Too Quickly - Ameriquest Commercial. WMSCOG Love Bombing

Don’t Judge Too Quickly

This image is taken from an insurance company commercial. Although it is just a commercial, it proves a point. People will be quick to judge without knowing or understanding the situation. Before you judge the World Mission Society Church of God, or its members, please visit the Church and see for yourself what the Church is like.

Matthew 24:12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold

If you are interested to see what really happens with the man and the cat watch the video below.


  1. Jane

    I think they are just jealous of WMSCOG because of the love and kindness that they share with others. I know that the WMSCOG received so many awards from everywhere in the world because of the love that they practice… Umm… what lies are they going to bring against the WMSCOG next?!

  2. Zuri

    I truly believe that people judge according to what they are. Whoever is unable to give love to others with a sincere heart, will definately feel that others are being fake and want something from you when they give you a lot of love. How sad! God is love, and God’s children are love as well, therefore, the Church of God’s most prominent quality is LOVE

  3. Angela B

    It’s true. I’ve never been around so many happy people before, most people nowadays seem to need other things to make them feel happy, but I can say at Church, it’s true pure happiness.

    Becoming a member I too have shared in happiness, genuine smiles and laughter.

    You honestly can’t help to be happy, now why is that so bad?

    Once I was walking with some of my church members in NYC, we were so happy and joyful that as I walked I had a smile on my face, and a man pointed me out with anger and said ” what’s she smiling about?” I was in shock. I guess it’s not normal to be so happy all the time in the perspective view of some people.

    I think it would be expected to receive love and smiles from people at church.

    Before becoming a member of this church, I attended other churches.. and you know some of those churches didn’t even greet me, didn’t even say “hello”. I just came in as a stranger and sat in the back and once service was over, I ate a donut and left.

    But here at the church of God, I have always been greeted with smiles..when you have a rough’s nice to come to a place full of smiles and happiness, isn’t it?

    🙂 Thank to God, we are so happy!

  4. Talique

    This article is really amazing. When I first came to the church, the affection did seem a bit overwhelming; coming from a background that’s not use to receiving unconditional love. It wasn’t until I begin to take time to study the bible before I came to understand the ONLY reason I felt that way was because of my own idea of what I thought love should be and not the ultimate example of what Christ showed us love actually is. The World Mission Society Church of God was only showing me the example Christ set.

  5. Jim

    It’s sad to see that this world has gotten to the point that when someone is being nice to you, you question their intent. Even though the Church of God puts in to practice the teachings of the bible and Christ, these so called “cult experts” make up reasons as to why we function as we do. Do they really know the teachings of the bible that make us wise for salvation? If so, they would understand that the reason we show love to everyone is because it’s the teaching of Jesus Christ and the apostles.

  6. Pamela A

    Through what these “CULT EXPERTS” are saying it proves they don’t know what love is and how to show love. To me it seems that they care most about their money. So their main goal is to attract as many “believers” as possible via any means possible. The more and more “faults” they continue to search for in the church reveals their deceitful nature. Love of God is always something we must show to the world like God taught us. Those who do not follow God, do not follow God’s teachings. WMSCOG follows the example God taught and I’m happy to be part of a GREAT church that teaches the LOVE of God.

  7. Ivan

    I have been a member of the World Mission Society Church of God for a while now and I have to admit that the love that the Church of God members gave me the first time I walked through the doors and the love that I receive now it is the same. If they were so called “Love Bombing” me in order to get me to join the church, then why do I still receive the same amount of love even after a number of years have past since I joined? IT is because it is not a love bomb which indicate being fake and putting up a persona but rather it is genuine and real love that the church of God members display. I am so proud to be a member in the World Mission Society Church of God. If you are already a member or are thinking of becoming a member and are not sure if this love is real, I recommend you give it a genuine and sincere shot at getting to know the members and the church, you will soon see that this love is real.

  8. Yema

    I can’t believe this is even an accusation! “Love bombing”?? If people step back and really look at the claims of these “cult experts” it flat out makes no sense!

    Most churches out there consists of members that talk behind each other’s back and such, forcing people to stop going to church all together. Finally the WMSCOG is the first church I’ve come across that genuinely care for its members. If love and consideration is “love bombing” then consider me under a mushroom cloud!

  9. Fran B.

    Wow, ‘cult experts’ are trying so hard to come up with ANYTHING to use against the Church of God. Love bombing is the most ridiculous term I’ve ever heard. I didn’t know it was a crime to be welcoming and loving to new members or guests at the church. This is a natural human response to help others feel comfortable in new settings, and it’s a sign that we are children of God, who IS love. I personally show love at work, at home with my family, and also at church. This is my nature and it’s a teaching from God in the Bible. Does practicing love with others make me an official love bomber? Then, I should be the greatest love bomber of all!

  10. Curtis T.

    Love Bombing? Are you serious? This is the angle they are playing? You know, there are churches that construct their places of worship out of human bones…(dead people). SURELY that’s a far more interesting story than the Church of God “Love Bombing” its members. Besides all this, every time I try to tell a “Christian” about the Sabbath Day and Passover being God’s will, I get lectured about how Jesus’ message was that we “love” as opposed to following the law.
    It seems to me that love bombing is a standard teaching in the bible and even those who don’t attend the Church of God know that.
    So the people who are making up these lies obviously are not too familiar with the bible. For whatever reason they seem to have targeted our church unjustly and make every effort to come up with the most outrageous stories just to get people who really want to know God, to leave our church. I’m not worried about it though….

    “What sorrow awaits you who lie awake at night,
    thinking up evil plans. You rise at dawn and
    hurry to carry them out, simply because you
    have the power to do so.”
    (Micah 2:1)

  11. Cameron Davis

    This accusation is ridiculous. We should never let such worthless teachings even scratch our faith. Let’s keep following the true teachings of God. Because of people like so-called “cult experts”, the love of most will not just go cold, it will freeze.

  12. JulieS

    Lol. The last video is a good point! Once again, how can we judge by merely other people point of view or thoughts in which their minds are limited? This reminds me of the popular quote “Don’t judge a book by its cover” Which is so true in this case especially since it is the True Church. So amazing F&M have everything prepared from the creation of the world!! 🙂

  13. Jordan M

    This is just too much….Love bombing?! It’s very natural that in our everyday life we should treat others with consideration and respect, how much more an organization who’s message is to follow the teachings and example of Christ. After hearing this I’m seriously baffled that they’re even allowed to have a platform to say anything anymore.

  14. SHEEP

    Seriously the so called *cult expert has try any means by any means to slander Church which follow Christ teaching His people of loving and caring people.
    Remember what bible teaches who follow Christ must have is ❤. If this cult expert branded us Christian for being loving so much to one another, He is really a Cult* him or herself. Some verse about ❤ one another & show❤
    “As the Father has ❤ me, so have I ❤ you. Now remain in my ❤. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my ❤, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his ❤. My command is this:❤each other as I have ❤ you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
    “As the Father has ❤ me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my ❤. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my ❤, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his ❤. My command is this: ❤ each other as I have ❤ you. Greater ❤ has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
    John 15:9-10, 12-13 NIV.

  15. Serene

    Can’t believe we need to reason to be nice to people in a church. Don’t people teach their kids to be nice, so the parents are raising the kids to be a cult? Wasn’t being nice a basic virtue of human? What is the definition of “love-bombing” anyway, if I hold the door for an old-lady, am I love-bombing her? These cult experts’ statements really don’t make sense….