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The True WMSCOG | May 18, 2024

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Michele Colon Ruined Our Marriage Pt.1

Michele Colon Ruined Our Marriage Pt.1

Michele Colon, Myself and the WMSCOG.

Michele Colon has been very vocal about her membership in the World Mission Society Church of God. She created a website and also appeared in several articles telling a one-sided story: “The World Mission Society Church of God ‘brainwashed’ me and destroyed my marriage.”

Unbeknownst to readers, this is part of Michele Colón’s larger effort to incite the public against the Church of God by any means possible and blame the Church for her failed marriage.

I would like to present the side of the story that has not been covered yet: the story of Michele Colón’s ex-husband. Through his story, readers will be able to understand the series of events leading up to the present, the truth about their relationship and the role the World Mission Society Church of God played. After I read a certification that was submitted to the court, I reached out to Colon’s ex-husband, and this is what he told me:

Michele Colón and I met at a salsa dance studio. We had been taking the same class together and became dance partners. Michele was engaged to be married, however she ended up breaking up with her fiancé. Not too long after that, Michele and I began dating.

Our relationship was good in the beginning, but became rocky after approximately one year. Around that time, Michele invited me to the World Mission Society Church of God. I was a little bit hesitant at first, but I decided to try it out. Michele had already been attending the Church for almost two weeks before she invited me and had gotten baptized in the Church.

I was shocked by Michele’s invitation because she never mentioned that she had any interest in going to church before. Later, I found out Michele invited herself to the Church after overhearing her co-workers talk about attending, and was very enthusiastic about going to study.

When I went to the Church of God for the first time, I attended a worship service and did one Bible study about the Sabbath day after service. I was so impressed with what I had been shown in the Bible that I decided to become a member of the Church. I received baptism that night.

Michele and I continued attending the Church, kept a service on the Sabbath day and went to the Church at least once during the week to continue in our Bible studies. After being members of the Church for a couple of months, we came to realize that many of the members would stay at church for the whole Sabbath, joining in the services and then fellowship, study the Bible, or just enjoy each other’s company. It was more than a church, it was like a community center. At first it was all new to me—coming from a different kind of church, the type where you only keep service for an hour and then you leave. But after spending time with the members of the Church of God and studying the Bible, I started to realize that they really love God and understood God’s love for them. I found it inspirational and comforting, in the way religion can often comfort and inspire people.

During this time, Michele felt the same way I did and she had great things to say about the Church. Although she was the one who invited me, we both made the mutual decision to go to church more in order to understand more about God. As we attended church together, we were both loving it.

However, as with most relationships, differences arose. Michele and I had some serious relationship issues but, thanks to the guidance from the Pastor of the World Mission Society Church of God, we were able to stay together.

Michele Colón blames the Church for “brainwashing” her and former husband, and for “destroying” her marriage. But from the former husband’s story, we can see that he joined the Church at Michele’s invitation and enthusiasm. They also jointly made the decision to attend the Church together and more frequently.

In Part 2 of Michele’s ex-husbands story, we will find out how the Church helped him and Michele Colon stay together during their relationship problems.


  1. Nbetancourt714

    I started attending the Church of God about the same time as Michele Colon and her then husband attended the church. The reason I remembered them was because of a family gathering we had at the church. They were dancing salsa and I was so excited about it since I was a salsa dancer also. Everyone was so happy–together displaying their talents like singing, playing instruments, poetry and dancing.

    I was really moved through the unity and love and joy the members displayed to one another. I learned through their example how to love and how to build relationships with people. I’m happy I continue to
    attend the church of God holding to the teachings of Christ. In the World Mission Society Church of God we are a FAMILY.

  2. Dwight

    Whenever a problem arises it’s instinct to try to pinpoint a cause for that problem. When that cause is either too difficult to identify or just not something you want to admit is the cause, it might seem easier to blame shift. This situation doesn’t seem much different then a case of blame shifting. I’m sure the church didn’t change from the time Michele and her ex husband began attending to her departure from the church. So to go from being excited and joyful to come the WMSCOG to being spiteful against the WMSCOG just sounds ridiculous to me.

    I don’t want to seem inconsiderate at all because I know marriages can be full of problems, like most other things in life, but those problems also have many different causes and this case just seems like Michele was looking for something to shift the blame for her failed marriage to.

  3. Brittany S.

    It sounds to me that Michele is only upset because both her marriages have failed and is just looking for someone to blame. If BOTH her ex-husbands have left her, the problem is obviously not with the church, its with HER! I can’t wait to read part 2!

  4. Ana

    Be positive for happy life Michelle…

  5. Karen Blanco

    Wow! Amazing article, surely falsehood won’t last forever!

  6. Michaelle

    From the ex husband’s testimony it is obvious that the World Mission Society Church of God is certainly not the reason of their marriage’s failure I give thanks to God Elohim for allowing the ex husband to share his side of the story with us. Clearly they were happy while attending the church and even received guidance from the pastor. My husband and I were married for two months when we became members of the church. We just celebrated our fourth year anniversary and we are current members.

  7. Bertrand

    Looks to me like Michele is just looking for someone to blame for her situation. It’s unfortunately so easy to point the finger at someone else.

    The World Mission Society Church of God always promotes LOVE and UNITY; I HIGHLY doubt that the Church is to blame for the failure of her marriage.

    I really wish her peace of mind, and hope she lets go of the hatred, bitterness / grudge that she’s holding on to.

  8. Giancarlo

    Thanks to Father and Mother falsehood can never prevail when the truth shines it’s light. I can’t wait to read part II. I’m so grateful our brother stood firm during this ordeal. I find it interesting that Michele invited herself to ZION and is now no longer in the truth. According to Matthew 22 you MUST be invited. Don’t blame the church that you didn’t receive the true spiritual Wedding invitation resulting in your failed marriage.

  9. Yema

    Seriously?! People are blaming the church of God World Mission Society for their failed marriages now? It sounds like the Church was the reason they were able to stay together, let alone separate. Michele clearly doesn’t want to take responsibility for her own actions and problems so she lied and said it’s the Church’s fault her marriage didn’t work. She made the decision to break up her engagement before she even came to the Church, so her failed marriage has nothing to do with the church, it’s just the result of her own problem.

  10. Jamie

    From reading this article, it seems like Michele had relationship issues with her marriage because of some external factors…not because of the church. Michele is blaming the WMS Church of God for her broken marriage. She may be doing this because 1. she doesn’t want to be the reason why her and her husband broke up, or 2. because she doesn’t know who to blame, and decided to blame the church as an alternate. But how can the church be the reason for their breakup? Look at what her ex-husbad said, “Michele and I had some serious relationship issues but, thanks to the guidance from the Pastor of the World Mission Society Church of God, we were able to stay together.” The PASTOR from the Church of God was trying to SAVE their marriage, not hurt it.

  11. Job

    Wow thanks to the grace of God the truth is being expose and now God’s light can shine even brighter.

  12. Erik Holte

    There are always 2 sides to a story.. Never will a jury convict someone due to the testimony of just the prosecuter witness. You must hear the defendants case in order to see where truth and falsehood lie. Very rare when relationships go south due both party’s still remain friends or even civil. Michele is just bitter because she knows she is on the wrong end of God and misery loves company. From my experience in this Church it is undoubtedly the most amazing organization I have been apart of. Not only is true God Elohim in our church but hearing the truth and being able to keep God’s commands is truly sweeter than honey.

  13. Robert

    Im so happy we got out the other part of the story. With her ex-husbands story we can see that everything Michele is saying is wrong and just blaming others. She lied about her marriage, that means she’s also lying about what she says about our church. Im really hoping that the real story comes out and made know to all the world.

  14. Robert C.

    Im so happy we got out the other part of the story. With her ex-husbands story we can see that everything Michele is saying is wrong and just blaming others. She lied about her marriage, that means she’s also lying about what she says about our church. Im really hoping that the real story comes out and made know to all the world.

  15. M

    From Michele’s ex-husband’s testimony, it sounds like there wasn’t much pressure put on them at all. Michele invited herself and she invited her husband. Plus, it seems like they simply caught on to the fact that members tend to stay the whole Sabbath, and weren’t told or forced to do so at all. Not to mention, the Pastor apparently helped them stay together, contrary to her accusations that the church forces members to get divorced. All in all, I don’t see a shred of truth from Michele’s accusations in this side of the story.

    Though so many people are listening to Michele’s testimony and believing it, I think people should take it with a big grain of salt, considering how her situation might affect her mindset. Doesn’t it seem natural to justify leaving a group by vilifying it? Especially if her marriage didn’t work out, isn’t it easier to blame someone else rather than herself?

    It certainly sounds to me like she was happy to join of her free will, naturally invited her husband to share something she enjoyed, and was free to leave as she pleased! Just like any other church or activity.