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The True WMSCOG | May 18, 2024

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Michele Colon Ruined Our Marriage Pt.3

Michele Colon Ruined Our Marriage Pt.3

Michele’s Sudden Change

In Part 2 of this series, we learned the fact that the former husband and Michele’s relationship grew stronger, in part, due to their counseling with the Pastor of the World Mission Society Church of God. Michele’s former husband tells how he made it his life goal to live a happy life with Michele in their newly purchased house, following God and the Bible at the Church of God.

Now in Part 3 of this series, we will learn more about the issues between Michele and her then husband, and how the Church again helped them during their trials.

Everything seemed to be going well in my relationship with Michele. We had our wedding, which the Church members helped us prepare. We went on our honeymoon. Contrary to the allegation that Church members cannot go on vacation, Michele and I went to Mexico.

Once we returned from our honeymoon everything changed. On a Tuesday, Michele called me at work to tell me that she needed to show me something. She said that she had been looking for more evidence to show that Constantine did indeed abolish the Sabbath, but she had come across some other websites that spoke against the Church of God. I remember her mentioning that the Church “lied” to her in regards to some of its teachings.

After speaking to her, we decided not to attend service that very night. I remember Michele being very angry and stating that she felt like a fool for attending the Church, but I on the other hand felt lost. Lost because I knew that everything I had learned until that point was clear and it was coming from the Bible. I knew that nowhere else would I be able to see and study the Bible in this way, and my time as a Church member had filled me with a lot of happiness in my life. I felt that there had to be some sort of explanation and reason, why at that particular moment, it seemed not to make sense.

We decided to go and meet with the Pastor in order to get answers for our questions and express the concerns we had. As we met with the Pastor and some other church members, I felt satisfied with all the answers that were provided, while Michele was not as satisfied at all. But by the end of the meeting, we both decided we would continue to attend the Church.

Although Michele agreed to continue attending the Church, I felt as if she did not want to remain a member. The questions that Michele presented to the Church from that point on were not sincere, and even if she was given an accurate answer, Michele did not try to understand the answer. It seemed from that point on, her mission was to make me agree with her completely in an effort to make me leave the Church.

After this, we began arguing nonstop. No matter what we may have been discussing or arguing about, by the end of it, Michele would bring something up about the Church. Every night, I felt like I had to defend my faith to my wife, who did not want to respect nor tolerate my religious beliefs. She continuously said spiteful things in order to hurt my feelings. This was her tactic to get me to leave the Church.

It seemed that the more I became involved with the Church, the more Michele attacked me. Now that I look back, I wonder sometimes if she was just using the Church to get what she wanted, which was for us to get married. Michele had this obsession with marriage, she always talked about the fact that her Mom was going to get married a second time, before she even got married once.

After several months of intense and increasingly hurtful arguments, I went to the Pastor many times, determined to speak to him about my plan to leave Michele, but on every occasion, he consoled me and advised me not to leave her, but instead to stay with her and even give her more love, in the hope that we would find a common ground where we could both be happy in our marriage.

Taking the Pastor’s advice, I tried to spend more time with her for months thereafter, while attempting to keep my faith in God despite her objection, but nothing was good enough for her. She would not be happy until I left the Church. She wanted me to make a decision, which I thought was unfair, she wanted me to decide either her or the Church. Why should I give up either one of the things that I love? Why can’t I have my wife and my faith both be part of my life?

Michele Colón made her former husband’s life miserable, even asking for an unreasonable demand. In society, there are many couples who have different beliefs, yet they remain happily married. If that wasn’t enough, Michele introduced him to the Church, but now that Michele didn’t want to be part of the Church, she wanted him to leave also. When he decided to remain a member, Michele couldn’t tolerate it and she made it her goal to make him leave the Church.

In Part 4 of our series, we will begin to learn how Michele’s behavior was the main factor in the demise of her marriage.


  1. Meme

    Instability and vicious claims seem to be an accurate description of one side of this argument. Her intentions seem fully self seeking – to boost life plans through marriage (former fiance or ex-husband, I think it is safe to say it is clear marriage was a goal); to manipulate the spouse and gain control; sway others to walk away from a faith; attempts to SELL her story; attempts to raise money to attend law school. This is all facts from her own words.

    Ration seems to fuel the other side. This man patiently endured a tumultuous relationship with an intolerant partner who played immature mind games on him to get her way. It is so sad to think of all the efforts made in attempt to save this marriage. It seems his intent was not his self, but others, namely his then wife. He compromised, even his faith, to please her. When that was not enough, he waited months for change. He hesitated to quit after so long of being attacked and not accepted in his own home. Thankfully, he had strong support from the Church, who attempted to help no matter what decision he leaned towards (staying in his marriage or not). Just as Christians should, the Church tried to convey the importance of family and the beauty of love and marriage. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can not make it drink.”

    Let’s weigh the two sides we now have access to thanks to

    Anyone who may be influenced by her words, please look at the situation for what it is.

  2. Emmanuel R.

    Reading the story through, makes me realize that in all things whether church, relationships or any extra curricular activity, if you dont love what you do it will be burdensome. Her reason to leave church or husband was not because anything was wrong but a lack of love perse for either one and especially if there was something wrong on the ex-husband part then she should blog about the husband not showing her love or not paying bills etc. , not the church. I believe there some other motives or influences in her attack of the church and thats not fair to those of the faith. I hope whoever reads this can realize.

  3. Yuri

    Nobody should be put in the position to chose between their religion and their relationship. The choice she made him make was unfair and unreasonable. Their marriage was not destroyed because of church influence, instead it perished as the fruits of her own actions. Nobody would feel comfortable in a relationship that constricts the given right of freedom of religion.

  4. Matthew

    Michele Colon made a website defaming the church of God, because, according to her, the Church ruined her marriage. Michele Colon is the one who first made an attack to smear the name of the church of God. Thank you for FINALLY speaking up and letting peole hear the other side of the story.

    You know how sometimes you hear about a person that did something, and you get shocked? But once you hear the whole story you’re able to understand why the person acted a certain way. Thank you for speaking up and speaking out!

  5. Carly

    This is such a case of religious intolerance…how can you force someone to choose between their spouse and God. That’s insane! This is an extreme case of bigotry and discrimination.

    It’s surprising how contrary the lies she makes up are – saying members can’t go on vacation yet she went to Mexico with him! I on the other hand have heard people in the church say, “wow, you’ve been working so hard in your job and for the gospel, why don’t you take a vacation and take a break!?” Her accusations are really twisted and biased.

  6. Kiara

    The truth has been revealed! When she was not able to fulfill her mission to take her ex-husband out of the WMSCOG, she blamed the church for her failure. It is clear that the church tried everything to help their marriage even after she decided to no longer be a member.

  7. Asysha

    It’s super clear what Michelle’s intentions were, which was solely to get married. It’s off putting as a wife to suggest to your husband to leave a particular faith based on allegations and baseless assumptions that have no true merit. It’s ok to have questions; in fact, all faith based questions should be answered through the bible. They should not be based on public opinion. It seems The change of heart from Michelle’s part comes from a selfish, cynical, evil, manipulation to spiritually harm and cause distress to her husband which as a result caused the demise of their marriage.

  8. Carolina

    The only one guilty of the break of Michelle’s marriage as well as her leaving the church is the person who wrote negative articles on the internet about the church. By this post I understand that everything was very well up until the day Michelle went online. When Michelle was a member, she clearly had other intentions other than worshiping God, which was getting married, but she never went against the church and against her husband until she read those negative comments online. It was clearly poisoning for her spirit. I feel so bad she fell in such a trap and that now she is being used by whoever she is taking advice from to try to make the Church of God look like bad place. I really hope one day she realizes her big mistake.

  9. Tina R.

    There are always two sides to a story, so I’m glad the other side is also being told. That’s what good journalism is about! not hateful blogs. I’m also very happy to be a member of the Church of God and am not surprised to hear Pastor was trying to help their marriage become a successful one. When we only hear one side of the story, it’s hard not to automatically develop an opinion, so this should be justified by now. Thank you for posting!

  10. Roberssy C.

    Now that I see both sides of the story I can honestly say how foolish it is to believe Michele Colon’s accusations. It’s pretty clear as I read these articles Michele is just trying to put a blame on the Church to her failed marriage. It’s just mind-blowing to me how someone can take it this far although the problem was always herself. I hope the many that were deceived by her can come to see the full picture.

  11. M

    Wow. I can understand how hard it must have been for Michele’s ex-husband and I really feel bad for him. She wanted to give him no choice but to leave the church. I don’t think it’s fair for ANYONE to ask that of another person, regardless of what their religion is. I get it now — yes, it was the church that caused their divorce. But NOT because the church told them to. On the other hand, it was Michele’s INTOLERANCE of the church that drove her to divorce her husband! Here’s some news Michele. To have a happy marriage, you have to give in to your spouse and let them be who they are. Even if the two of you had never joined the World Mission Society Church of God, you would have discovered eventually that you can’t control his every thought and action, and may have met the same result.

    I hope people can see that Michele’s emotions have blinded her reason and judgment. Have you ever heard the saying, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”? I wouldn’t trust a thing she says.

  12. Sebastian

    Man, my heart goes out to him. Being married myself, I know firsthand what a great feeling it is to be able to share my faith with my wife. I can’t even imagine how hard it would be if my wife turned away from God, and THEN tried to force me to chose between God and her?!? Even though from the outside looking in the choice would obviously be to follow God, he must’ve really struggled because of how much he cared for his wife.

    It reminds me of when in the bible Job’s wife tried to get him to turn from God during a time of hardship and confusion;but just as God blessed Job for remaining faithful even in a tough situation, I’m sure that our fellow member will be blessed for making the choice to follow God, no matter what anyone, even his own wife, tries to say to get him to lose his faith. Stay strong!

  13. Kelvin

    This clear evidence of what was done will be done again. Its unfortunate that people claim to follow God but as soon as they can’t get things their way they turn their hearts away from God and follow their own mind.

  14. Quinn

    The headline picture is a great illustration of what went on between Michele and her husband. How upsetting it is to see her terrorize her husband with so much hate and then blame everything on the church. We see the husband attempting to give love, being encouraged by the WMSCOG, while Michele continues to hold on to her own emotions and hurt her husband. I am happy to see the truth come out.

  15. Kim

    I cannot wait until all of the lies against the Church of God are exposed. The truth will sing a song a triumph in the end.