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The True WMSCOG | May 8, 2024

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Do Fear and Guilt Fuel the WMSCOG?

Do Fear and Guilt Fuel the World Mission Society Church of God?

“Fear and Guilt – That Is What Fuels This Cult,”

That’s what Michele Colon said in her interviews with the media. But this is not an idea of Colon alone—this is the same theory spread by “cult experts,” and those who label the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) as a cult. How true is this characterization of the Church? I decided to look into their claims and see if they have any credibility.

This Is Where the “Cult” Label Creates Religious Discrimination

As I explained in one of my previous articles, the members of the World Mission Society Church of God face a tremendous amount of religious discrimination because of people’s wrong perception when the word “cult” is used.

The label “cult” implies that members cannot think for themselves and that they are manipulated to do things they don’t want to do. It strips members from the basic principle of worshiping God and following Him on the basis of the Bible, because now things that are completely normal to do in Church are seen in a negative light. This brings us to the accusation about fear and guilt.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.

Although the Bible calls for us to fear God and keep His commands, when you apply the label “cult” this is no longer a principle of Christianity, but it now becomes “systematic psychological techniques” used in order to “manipulate” the members. The Bible contains more than 100 verses on the topic of fearing God and keeping His commands. It goes on to explain the blessings we receive when we obey God’s commands and the curses brought upon us when we disobey them. Yet we cannot freely practice the faith because our Church is then labeled as a “cult.”

Jesus Used “Fear and Guilt” to Manipulate His Disciples

If they are going to accuse the World Mission Society Church of God of being a “cult” because it uses “fear and guilt” to keep its members, then they must also accuse Jesus of being a “cult leader” since He also used “fear and guilt” to manipulate His disciples.

John 8:23-24 But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins.

Could we say that Jesus used fear and guilt to manipulate His disciples to follow Him? If we go by the standards of “cult experts” and Michele Colon, I guess we should. But we know that is not the case. Jesus was just preaching to His disciples the gospel that leads to salvation. Let’s see another example.

John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 

Judging the teachings of Jesus Christ by the standards of those who judge the WMSCOG, we must say that Jesus used “fear and guilt” to manipulate His followers. But since Christianity is a socially accepted religion, we don’t label mainstream Christian churches as a cult.

The World Mission Society Church of God Is Simply Teaching What the Bible Says

The WMSCOG Uses Fear and Guilt to Manipulate Its Members

Would you say that your doctor is using “fear and guilt” when he warns you that eating too many donuts will give you diabetes? Or that if you don’t quit smoking you might get cancer? I don’t think so. In the same way, the WMSCOG simply teaches the blessings that God promised if we obey His commands and the consequences of disobeying God’s commands.

Doctors Use Fear and Guilt on Their Patients

I understand that some people might be ignorant to what the Bible says, or they might just be religious intolerants who deliberately twist the teachings of the WMSCOG to be perceived as something evil. However, even the Bible already warned us about this.

2 Corinthians 2:14-17 But thanks to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God. 

In conclusion, the World Mission Society Church of God is not using “fear and guilt” to manipulate its members; the Church simply teaches what the Bible says. The teachings of the Church are no different than what’s recorded in the Bible.


  1. Steph

    Great article! I can really see clearly that those that speak against WMSCOG have no grounds for their false accusations. It’s really a place that teaches everything directly from the bible.

    • Lisa

      This is a great article!! I was really impressed to see how the WMSCOG is not using fear and guilt to manipulate people but just simply showing what the bible says and also showing how it is a blessing to fear God! For Christians it should be “natural” to fear God but now people want to take something that is “natural” and make it into something negative. I’m glad this article clears things up

  2. Miguel L.

    Wow what an Awesome article it’s plain to see how it’s basic understanding that having fear of God is what all Christians should have to be healthy and receive Gods blessings, everything has a will of God behind it! This was good to clear up any misconceptions about the WMSCOG! Thanks to God!

  3. Jordan H

    This article is so awesome and so well written. The Chutch of God simply teaches what is inside the bible! when you compare the doctrines of other churches, and what’s inside the bible, it’s totally contradictory. However, the Church of God simply follows the teachings that God gave us inside the Bible. As a Christian, that’s our whole duty! But because it’s human nature not to follow God’s commands, people look at it as something negative. It’s just shows their ignorance unfortunately. Despite what people want to call me wanting to follow Christ, I’m so happy to be a member of the Church of God and have the opportunity to follow God correctly.

  4. Quinn

    Jesus Christ Himself told us “you will indeed die in your sins.” It is natural for us to have fear of God and guilt for our sins. This is not a man-made teaching of the Church of God but the command of God almighty.
    1 Cor 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
    Love for God is what drives the actions of the members. This can be easily seen through the many volunteer services that are continually conducted. It is obvious that the members do the work with hope and love rather than fear and guilt.

  5. Kevin Medrano

    Its is interesting how silly this sounds when we see it in common everyday practice for example like the doctor and patient analogy given above. Its seem like society nowaday have some fixed concept that once the Topic of religion comes up we tend to loose that common sense understanding and stray to follow absurd ideas like the fear and guilt trick these so called “cult expert” use. We must not give up in understanding God’s will through the bible because if we don’t then we will naturally believe anyone who calls them self an expert (which btw do not teach the bible or promise us salvation). I thank the Church of God for allowing me to understand God’s will and promise of salvation that could not be anymore clearer to understand and follow and hope that the those who are on the fence of coming because of misguided information, may give the church a chance to show how amazing God teaching are. 🙂

  6. Davina

    The one thing that Michele Colon and these “cult experts” have in common is that they both just flat out go against the teachings of the Bible….everyone in the United States has the right to choose what they want to believe in….could we say anything about the teachings of Mohammed? Or Buddha? In the United States? Absolutely not ….but she and her colleagues go against the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Bible! In essence they are anti- Christians! Isn’t that discrimination?

  7. Yema

    It’s just amazing how the more these people accuse the World Mission Society Church of God of different things the more the Church is actually proven to follow the Bible 100%. This article truly shows people today’s lack of knowledge of the Bible and so they come to believe every accusation not realizing there’s no basis to their claim. In fact the WMSCOG is really the only church following the Bible completely and everything about the Church, it’s practices, teachings and principles, proves it to be the same church the Apostles attended long ago.

  8. Yuri

    Wow it’s so true! If we apply their “cult” standards, even our parents are ring leaders manipulating us with fear ! As Christians, our faith is based on the teachings of Chirst then the true Christian church shouldn’t it aheed to such teachings?

  9. Mayra

    The problem is lack of fear in society. It seems that rarely do people fear-and in turn, they come to commit irrevocable actions.

    I love the Church of God because they actually teach what is in the bible and show the teachings through the examples of Jesus and the disciples. When you read the New Testament, Jesus was very strict with his disciples. Some may see this as control, but if you understood WHY, then you could
    accept Christ’s mind and love for the believers. God knows everything-and continues to guide us to Follow correctly, which results in a promise. How we can compare commandments of God as coercion of fear and guilt?

    Similarly, the Church of God, only teaches the bible and does not use any external force of fear and guilt. Have some sense, and look at the world we live in today. Look at some countries that 100% use fear and guilt on their people (religion and political), and then tries to use
    the same tactics on the rest of the world-no one labels them as a cult.

    Just as they treated Christ wrongly without reason, is what people do to the Church of God today. In the past people hated Jesus for speaking truth, and the same is done now. However, you should see for yourself, and come to a bible study where you can ask any questions and feel inspired by the truth of the bible!

  10. Israel S.

    If our persecutors put as much effort into understanding the Church we belong to as they do fighting, everyone would be much happier. They would see the truth, we would all be United and the dramatic scenes they make would go away. Takes more effort to fight then to understand

  11. Yessenia B

    When reading this article all i can say is A-M-E-N!!! Seriously!!!! Many people believe in christ as the savior but through this article and the bible Jesus christ was very clear about his teachings. It is the same way now the World Mission Society Church Of God clearly is the only church that follows the teachings of christ. So that fact that michele is making so many false accusations prove even more that we are the true church the will we follow and origin is not of men but of God therefore michele’s accusations will not previal over God instead she is fighting against God. Wisdom is to fear God like it is written in the bible. Like all of her other accusations this is FALSE!!!

  12. Mark

    Great article! This very easily showed how easy these so called “cult experts” are also classifying Jesus Christ, and then so easily turn around and say they believe in him. Through this article, I hope it may shed more light on the true intentions and identity of the so called “cult experts” and Michele Colon. They don’t fear or love God. Same people existed 2,000 years, they were the Pharisees and Saducees, teachers of the Law; they were the same ones who instigated Christ’s to be put to death. No matter what, Christ and his children rose up in victory, just like it was prophesied that 2nd Coming Christ and his children will have victory in the end!

  13. Kailin

    Amazing article!
    Any one can have the chance to choose wether to belong to a church and/or religion as they choose. I choose to belong to this Church due to the Teachings of the Bible and this church follows them. Thanks to God for allowing a Church to exist that actually follows the Teachings of God!

  14. Javier

    From the beginning til the end the prophets said if we dont fear and obey God, we die. No differnt to me living in 2016. WMSCOG truly uses the the word of God to end disputes.

  15. Stephen Binsack

    When you think about it simply, God tells us the outcome of obeying or disobeying His word. Of course, God wants us to obey, for our blessing and benefit. This is what He is concerned about. All His teachings are found in the Bible. Now, compare the Bible and the WMSCOG. The WMSCOG teaches and practices God’s word, whatever they may be.