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The True WMSCOG | May 7, 2024

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Do Fear and Guilt Fuel the WMSCOG?

Do Fear and Guilt Fuel the World Mission Society Church of God?

“Fear and Guilt – That Is What Fuels This Cult,”

That’s what Michele Colon said in her interviews with the media. But this is not an idea of Colon alone—this is the same theory spread by “cult experts,” and those who label the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) as a cult. How true is this characterization of the Church? I decided to look into their claims and see if they have any credibility.

This Is Where the “Cult” Label Creates Religious Discrimination

As I explained in one of my previous articles, the members of the World Mission Society Church of God face a tremendous amount of religious discrimination because of people’s wrong perception when the word “cult” is used.

The label “cult” implies that members cannot think for themselves and that they are manipulated to do things they don’t want to do. It strips members from the basic principle of worshiping God and following Him on the basis of the Bible, because now things that are completely normal to do in Church are seen in a negative light. This brings us to the accusation about fear and guilt.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.

Although the Bible calls for us to fear God and keep His commands, when you apply the label “cult” this is no longer a principle of Christianity, but it now becomes “systematic psychological techniques” used in order to “manipulate” the members. The Bible contains more than 100 verses on the topic of fearing God and keeping His commands. It goes on to explain the blessings we receive when we obey God’s commands and the curses brought upon us when we disobey them. Yet we cannot freely practice the faith because our Church is then labeled as a “cult.”

Jesus Used “Fear and Guilt” to Manipulate His Disciples

If they are going to accuse the World Mission Society Church of God of being a “cult” because it uses “fear and guilt” to keep its members, then they must also accuse Jesus of being a “cult leader” since He also used “fear and guilt” to manipulate His disciples.

John 8:23-24 But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins.

Could we say that Jesus used fear and guilt to manipulate His disciples to follow Him? If we go by the standards of “cult experts” and Michele Colon, I guess we should. But we know that is not the case. Jesus was just preaching to His disciples the gospel that leads to salvation. Let’s see another example.

John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 

Judging the teachings of Jesus Christ by the standards of those who judge the WMSCOG, we must say that Jesus used “fear and guilt” to manipulate His followers. But since Christianity is a socially accepted religion, we don’t label mainstream Christian churches as a cult.

The World Mission Society Church of God Is Simply Teaching What the Bible Says

The WMSCOG Uses Fear and Guilt to Manipulate Its Members

Would you say that your doctor is using “fear and guilt” when he warns you that eating too many donuts will give you diabetes? Or that if you don’t quit smoking you might get cancer? I don’t think so. In the same way, the WMSCOG simply teaches the blessings that God promised if we obey His commands and the consequences of disobeying God’s commands.

Doctors Use Fear and Guilt on Their Patients

I understand that some people might be ignorant to what the Bible says, or they might just be religious intolerants who deliberately twist the teachings of the WMSCOG to be perceived as something evil. However, even the Bible already warned us about this.

2 Corinthians 2:14-17 But thanks to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God. 

In conclusion, the World Mission Society Church of God is not using “fear and guilt” to manipulate its members; the Church simply teaches what the Bible says. The teachings of the Church are no different than what’s recorded in the Bible.


  1. Curtis

    I saw this show once…..”Doomsday preppers” or something like that. These people are so fearful that the world is going to end. They spend their whole life and savings building bunkers and MRE’s so they can survive in a post apocalyptic world. I wonder if that has anything to do with the constant warnings from scientist about solar flares, super volcanoes, Meteor strikes earthquakes that can swallow us whole.

    Why hasn’t anyone launched an investigation about them?

  2. Royce S.Q

    “Cult”, “sect”, isn’t that what they called the Church of God Whom Christ established? Reading this article’ helped me understand, if I believe in Christ, I must practice and teach what He has said to do, whether it’s sternly said or not. Regardless, Christ knows what’s right and what’s wrong for me. And, when I think about the WMSCOG’s teachings and practices, it’s strict and strong, yup! But, then I realize that it is exactly what Christ is saying, strictly and sternly said for my salvation. Like parents, who actually do care about their children. Thanks be to God for His Words.

  3. Michael H

    The accusations of these “Cult experts” are getting ridiculous! The article is very clear!

  4. Renesia

    This article is amazing ! Silly accusations such as these just show that they are running out of reasons to accuse the Church of God . In reality their efforts are proving more and more that the world mission society church of God is the church that not only follows the teaching of The BIBLE but teach others the teachings of Christ as any CHRISTians should do . I’m thankful to have seen the truth with my own eyes in the church of God and I encourage many others to do the same !

  5. Nikki

    Do our parents manipulate us with fear? No! Every teaching our parents instill into us is for our benefit and our safety is it not?

    As Christians, we view God as our Father and Mother. Our God gives us teachings to protect us and guide us. What is so wrong about that? Just as our physical parents tell us to look both ways before we cross a road, our God gives us teachings to guide us safely to the Kingdom of Heaven.

    As children, when we are young and immature, we only want to do what we want. However, as we become mature we are able to understand why our parents were ‘strict.’ As we become mature we understand that their teaching and rules is because of their love.

    Then keeping this in mind, as we come to study God’s word and grow in faith, we will be able to understand God’s love behind God’s commandments. We will grow to understand how much God loves each and everyone of us and appreciate God’s laws knowing that God comes to bless us and lead us towards salvation.

  6. Cece

    WMSCOG is very caring and considerate of the salvation of others, for being direct and upfront about what God has told us to do to be saved. They do not dilute God’s word or just tell people what they want to hear, but authentically portrays God’s word as is. Many other churches boast that they follow and believe God’s words, but can not accept even the words of Jesus Christ if they do not agree with the way they want to live their lives, or how they view God by personal opinion.

    Do not believe these “cult experts,” a true cult expert can distinguish the difference between a religious organization and an actual cult. They can do neither and also lack Biblical knowledge.


  7. Ellie

    This article could not make it more clear! I love this explanation, it’s perfect.

  8. Dallas

    This article was very clear and gave me a different perspective. Good always wants to teach us and guide us on the path of life. It’s just like parents yelling at thier children if they run into the street to get a bask in the road. The parents know that the road had cars that could kill their child but the children have no idea the dangers around them. That’s why God warns us against breaking his commands because God can see the spiritual world and wants to protect us from disaster.

  9. Carlos G.

    Amazing Article! Thanks for sharing.The Church of God only speaks the truth of God in the Bible. Some people for their own advantage want to fear to the great love of God whom has been working really hard for our salvation. like is quoted in the Article John 8:23-24, God didn’t not gave us this words to make us fear but to save us, his children whom he love so much. If we are going to say that Church of God uses fear to manipulate the members then according to “cult experts” standard a family itself falls in this category of cult. I remember my mom telling me ” if you don’t go to school you are going to live in the street like a homeless”. Does that mean she was manipulating me? Ofcourse not. It was her concern for me to work hard and be prosperous. Same applies to the Church of God which is doing hard work to lead as many people as possible to God and the Kingdom of Heaven. GBU!!!

  10. Jeff

    This article prove how much we follow God’s will just as the prohpets of God and the diciples of Christ did. In our society we have traffic laws, but traffic laws is not made to make us fear and have guilt if we do not follow them, is for our own benefit and protection. How can somebody say it is made to manipulate us? It is for our own benefits, just as God’s teaching is for our salvation.

  11. Wili Camacho

    Surely just as parents teach their children right from wrong educating us on what could be potential harmful things for us physically, God who can see the spiritual world also warns us of many potential harmful things to our spirit.There insistance is clearly false.Where else can you really learn to have true spiritual discernment if it doesn’t come from all the teachings of Christ himself.

  12. Chanel

    i love the doctor example! So clear. I want to follow God the correct way, not because someone pressures me or scares me into it, I genuinely want to obey Gods will and follow God correctly. This is what makes me happy!!

  13. Jordan R

    It’s unfortunate how much effort people put into slandering what is so clear and basic in the bible. As Christians, it is natural that we follow every teaching of God. If people would follow God in accordance with how he preordained, there would be no argument here. Although the Church of God and it’s members strive to follow God according to his words, those who lack understanding speak words against us. Truly, it is a GIFT from God that we are able to see and discern truth from falsehood.

  14. Andrew Z

    Only true cult expert is God. If these self-proclaimed “cult expert” think that they can decide what is a cult and what is not a cult than they are claiming to be God. You have to ask yourself, “what can I gain from listening to a cult expert”? Absolutely nothing. Then ask yourself “what can I gain from listening to God”? Eternal Life! (Isaiah 55:3, John 6:53) Therefore, let us not follow other gods, but let us listen and follow our one and only true Shepards, the Spirit and the Bride.

  15. Chamerra

    Among all things I have experienced in the WMS Church of God, I am most grateful for being taught the way of salvation that is written throughout the Bible; the core of which is to fear God and keep His commandments! Of the many spiritual rites/religions I researched and partook in during my journey to find God, NO place of worship taught me about sin, nor had they taught me about the forgiveness of such sin! Yes, of course, there was speak about going to a better place or to heaven or nirvana or reaching a golden state. Yes, there was speak about being ‘saved’… but none taught me a definite way to achieve it! None taught me the will of God that is found only in the Bible, and that is to save me from my sins and death through the Passover of the New Covenant that is recorded all throughout the 66 books of the Bible in the most infallible of ways.