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The True WMSCOG | May 8, 2024

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Michele Colon Ruined Our Marriage Pt. 5

Michele Colon claims the World Mission Society Church of God ruined her marriage. But her ex-husband clarifies the story, by saying that it was Michele's abuse and intolerance that ruined it their marriage. read part 5 of Michele Colon Ruined Our Marriage.

Michele’s Abuse and Ultimatum

In Part 4 of this series, we learned how Michele lied to her then husband by telling him they were going to a marriage counselor, but instead she took him to an involuntary “cult” counseling session. This counseling session was with a man who has been known to kidnap individuals and conduct involuntary deprogramming.

In this finale part of the series, we will learn how Michele gave her former husband an ultimatum, and finally the abuse that made him just leave.

Despite the betrayal that I experienced, Michele and I continued living together. I had also decided that I wanted to become a Bible teacher. I knew that it would require some extra time studying, but I felt that it was the only thing bringing me joy in my life. I thought that I would take learning the Bible just as if I was in college again, with much studying and learning for the reward of knowledge and insight. I finally felt like I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life.

During this time, I found out from various friends that Michele had been spreading rumors about me and told not only many of my friends, but even my own mother that I was being “brainwashed.” Michele scared my mother tremendously, even going as far as trying to convince my mother that she would never see me again if I remained a member of the Church. One night, my mother showed up at my house unexpectedly, wanting to speak to me. By the end of her visit, Michele admitted that she had told my mother that I was “brainwashed.”

All of Michele’s lies about me were now spread to such an extent that everyone looked at me differently. I was extremely distraught by this. I felt like she was punishing me for my faith by trying to alienate my close friends and family from me with her lies.

Everyone Michele spoke to viewed me, and spoke to me, as if I was someone who could not think or make decisions for myself—when I was always the one that accomplished everything that I worked for. I felt as if I was a prisoner in my own home, and both Michele and I were not having anything positive come out of our marriage. I felt dehumanized by her behavior and, regardless of what I said or did, it was useless because it’s coming from the “brainwashed robot.” It took several years for my mother and me to repair our relationship and for her to feel comfortable about the Church.

The last month that we lived together, Michele and I were no longer on speaking terms and we were sleeping in different rooms. There were many nights when I was so afraid of what Michele might do to me that I would actually wedge up the door at night when I went to sleep. This was not a great way to fall asleep.

Shockingly, this was the only time I can say there was peace in the house. We would go about our own business from day to day, until one night she decided she would give me a final ultimatum: Either I choose her or the Church.

I let her know that under no circumstances would I be leaving my faith. Due to my response, she said I had to take everything and leave that night. I told her strongly that I would do it, but after considering the time of night and that I also paid for that home, I told her that I would not leave that night, but at the end of the month.

At that time she threatened to call the police on me, but I knew I had just as much rights as she did to stay in our home, so I went to my room. She didn’t like my response and forced her way into the room I was now sleeping in. Whenever I tried to speak, she physically attacked me. She physically attacked me twice. I decided to call the police.

The cops showed up and spoke to both of us. We explained the story to the police and Michele never denied hitting me, but still somehow I felt like they had come to speak to me rather than to her. I was insistent on staying in my own home, but the police mentioned that if they had to return due to another complaint, that someone would be going to jail. I understood that me, being the man in the house, even though I was not the one attacking, would more than likely end up going to jail. Since Michele was willing to attack me, I thought she was capable of doing anything. Who knows, she might hit herself and then blame it on me. I decided to leave that night. The police waited for me to get some of my things and walked me out.

That night I stayed at a friend’s house. I never lived under the same room as Michele Colón after that night. She and I arranged for a day that I could come and pick up my things, and I moved out by the end of that week.

Michele continuously sent me more and more defamatory information about the Church. Even though she would say that she missed me or loved me, to tell you the truth, I didn’t feel like she did. I felt that she took it more like a loss against the Church, rather than the loss of her husband.

I look back now and realize that Michele’s strong character seemed to create rocky relationships and conflicts everywhere she went. Her relationship with her family was not the best even before we started attending the Church, and this carried out with other people as well. I recall her getting extremely upset with one of our friends from the dance studio after the woman had given me and her a hug to talk to us. Michele became enraged and forbade me to speak with the woman ever again because she had touched me.

In my time being married to Michele Colón, I came to realize that she is not at all the person she portrays herself to be, or who I originally thought she was. She is sneaky, manipulative and spiteful, and will go to all ends to not let herself be exposed and seen for who she truly is. At the end of the day, her motive is to win. She cannot accept defeat.

I didn’t want to have to do this, I wanted to keep my personal matters private. But I am left with no choice seeing the way Michele misinforms the public about the World Mission Society Church of God and our relationship. If you want to know about the World Mission Society Church of God, go and find out for yourself, don’t listen to people like Michele Colón. Remember, there must be a reason why even though she left, I remained a member. It is because in no other Church have I come to learn the words of God the way I did at the World Mission Society Church of God.

As you can see by Michele Colon’s former husband’s testimony, Michele Colón has not been completely honest about her involvement with the World Mission Society Church of God. When we read the story from him, we can see that Michele could not tolerate her husband’s chosen faith and, instead of accepting him for who he is and what he believes in, she decided to make his life unbearable. She wants to blame the Church for her inability to sustain a healthy marriage, and now she wants to ruin the Church’s reputation. The news outlets that recently featured Ms. Colon failed to tell you the whole story, in favor of sensationalism and shares.

As Michele’s former husband suggested, if you really want to know about the World Mission Society Church of God, please visit the nearest Church to you. Your visit will help you understand what the Church is about, and you will be able to see past the cloud of negativity some try to build around the Church.


  1. Brittany Sherrod

    I’m so glad that the former husband got to explain his side of the story. Falsehood will never prevail. All truth will be exposed sooner or later and this story is a testament to that!

  2. Francisco

    It is so unfortunate that their marriage didn’t work out and that Michele has saught out to blame the Church of God. If you’re not a member of the WMSCOG, I hope that through this you can come to better understand the situation that is so common in divorces and that it never has anything to do with a third party. I truly hope that if you’re not a member, you feel encouraged to come and visit for a Bible study and see for yourself what truth we follow. As we all want to receive salvation and the ability to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven, I hope that you can see past someone’s personal matter and visit the nearest WMSCOG and receive a New Life!

  3. Will

    Thankfully all these lies have been exposed. Her lies have even hindered and affected some of my family as well and the way they see the church because they’ve seen it online. I will surely show this to those intoxicated by Michele Colon’s lies.

  4. Tim

    I’m really happy to know that faith comes by seeing the message through the bible and that by holding onto his faith, he did not let anything come between him and his faith in true God. Just by taking a look at all this evidence and clear explanation, it shows that no matter what people say, no matter what the Internet says, no matter what your friends think or share with you, if it none of it is explained in the bible and has nothing to do with going to heaven, then there’s no point in listening and wasting your time. All the studies that you can find in the Church of God are all found in the bible, and every teaching and holy days are found in the bible. The reason why we go to the World Mission Society Church of God, it is because what we see in the bible is what allows us to be excited and full of joy.
    For example: When we hung out at the movies or a dance studio we did it because we loved it, no one forced us, we did it out of passion, dedication and it grew into something we treasured and loved. It is NO DIFFERENT than us attending a beautiful church with correct teachings and a loving bunch of people who care for you and always stick around to listen to everything you have to say. The only church I’ve ever felt comfortable in is the World Mission Society Church of God and I’ve never been happier.

  5. Stephen Binsack

    The truth will always come out. Truth is truth, even with this story of Michele and her ex-husband. Michele clearly lost control of her mind and temper going after her ex-husband, to abuse him physically and mentally.

    This is a lesson to all of us who want to keep the faith. Only LISTEN to God’s word in order to follow Him, wherever He leads us.

  6. I’m so touched to see the full side of the story that wasn’t told. It feels like a breath of fresh air. I feel so bad for her ex husband and I can’t help but feel that this was a personality issue rather than an issue with the church. If it was doctrinal, I believe it could have been solved over a Bible study. I’ve seen people who had a problem with the church calm down and even become members after studying the Bible in our church. Active and happy members to this day at that. I am so happy to be a member of the World Mission Society Church of God and I appreciate all of their transparency and love. Thank Father and Mother!

  7. Teahna B.

    I still don’t understand how Michelle Colon can blame the Church of God for her failed marriage. From the beginning when they were having problems their Overseer did everything possible to encourage them to work on their marriage and how to make it better. This was done on more then one occasion. It is also pretty obvious that she is a very jealous women, that’s why she could not come to terms with brother (her ex-husband) being in church. I have been married to my husband for 10 years and The World Mission Society Church of God has brought us closer in our marriage and I feel that it is also healthier. I’m glad that all the lies were exposed so that those who are non-members can see the truth. Our church is a beautiful place came and visit and see for yourselfs.

  8. Ed Morrow

    It is sad how far people go to defame the World Mission Society Church of God. But just as they did in the time of Jesus they are doing it again now. I’m so happy that we can finally hear the truth of what happened. But many media outlets don’t really want the truth because all they want to sell is a story. Hopefully many people will see past the lies that were told and come see for themselves how amazing the church actually is. And I’m so thankful to God that They opened my heart and mind to look past the lies and remain a member.

  9. Jordan

    Thank you so much for this article. I’m glad that the full story has been told. I hope that people who have a negative view of the Church of God read this and see how manipulative and deceptive people can be, and ultimately have different motives when they speak ill of our church. All this time dedicated to speak ill of a church and bring someone out of it? Trying to force someone to change their beliefs? She CLEARLY ruined her own marriage because she’s crazy! Her marriage being ruined obviously had nothing to do with the church. Thank you so much again for allowing our brother to say his part and let everyone know what ACTUALLY happened. Praise God!

  10. Davina

    This is great! It proves 100% that Michele was making her ex- husbands life a living hell! Who in their right mind would want to stay with someone like that! She clearly has an obsession with going against the church and blaming the church for her failed marraige! Instead of realizing that she was the cause of her own failed marraige! Why not just own up to the fact that he just doesn’t want to be with her anymore because of her crazy behavior and treatment!

  11. Miguel

    I am just glad that both sides of the story are seen so that a right judgement can be made.Truth always comes out .

  12. Ray

    Truly as God said, “judge nothing until the appointed time”.

  13. Erika

    When I saw the lies that she has posted and also the news articles that came out from her interviews, i thought immediately that it was nonsense because I know from first hand experience that its all lies bc I was already a member of the WMSCOG at that time. I am glad that the true side of the story came so our newer members are not deceived by these people that are clearly trying to receive financial gain by trying to defame our church. The World Mission Society Church of God is an amazing church and no matter what negative things people say, we continue to receive awards because the truth is that our Church is blameless. Just like people hated the Church of God 2,000 years ago in the time of Jesus, they hate the same church again. Not coincidence, its prophecy (Ro 15:4).

  14. Giselle D.

    This article is upsetting because of Michele Colon’s behavior.
    Clearly her actions are obsessive and extremely unhealthy. She verbally and physically and mentally abused him, how can anyone trust her?!
    If what happened to him, happened to someone you love, how would you feel about it? Trying to manipulate and control someone, and destroy their relationships with others on purpose. Would you ever trust that person? Of course not! Then why would anyone trust Michele Colon and her rumors!
    Honestly I feel like he was very, very, VERY patient with her.
    I’m glad this abuse is over, and I wish people would see the damage she has done and is doing.

  15. Joshua

    Wow. Thank you for posting your side of the story. Now I feel like I understand the whole situation rather than just one side.