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The True WMSCOG | May 19, 2024

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Michele Colon Ruined Our Marriage Pt. 5

Michele Colon claims the World Mission Society Church of God ruined her marriage. But her ex-husband clarifies the story, by saying that it was Michele's abuse and intolerance that ruined it their marriage. read part 5 of Michele Colon Ruined Our Marriage.

Michele’s Abuse and Ultimatum

In Part 4 of this series, we learned how Michele lied to her then husband by telling him they were going to a marriage counselor, but instead she took him to an involuntary “cult” counseling session. This counseling session was with a man who has been known to kidnap individuals and conduct involuntary deprogramming.

In this finale part of the series, we will learn how Michele gave her former husband an ultimatum, and finally the abuse that made him just leave.

Despite the betrayal that I experienced, Michele and I continued living together. I had also decided that I wanted to become a Bible teacher. I knew that it would require some extra time studying, but I felt that it was the only thing bringing me joy in my life. I thought that I would take learning the Bible just as if I was in college again, with much studying and learning for the reward of knowledge and insight. I finally felt like I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life.

During this time, I found out from various friends that Michele had been spreading rumors about me and told not only many of my friends, but even my own mother that I was being “brainwashed.” Michele scared my mother tremendously, even going as far as trying to convince my mother that she would never see me again if I remained a member of the Church. One night, my mother showed up at my house unexpectedly, wanting to speak to me. By the end of her visit, Michele admitted that she had told my mother that I was “brainwashed.”

All of Michele’s lies about me were now spread to such an extent that everyone looked at me differently. I was extremely distraught by this. I felt like she was punishing me for my faith by trying to alienate my close friends and family from me with her lies.

Everyone Michele spoke to viewed me, and spoke to me, as if I was someone who could not think or make decisions for myself—when I was always the one that accomplished everything that I worked for. I felt as if I was a prisoner in my own home, and both Michele and I were not having anything positive come out of our marriage. I felt dehumanized by her behavior and, regardless of what I said or did, it was useless because it’s coming from the “brainwashed robot.” It took several years for my mother and me to repair our relationship and for her to feel comfortable about the Church.

The last month that we lived together, Michele and I were no longer on speaking terms and we were sleeping in different rooms. There were many nights when I was so afraid of what Michele might do to me that I would actually wedge up the door at night when I went to sleep. This was not a great way to fall asleep.

Shockingly, this was the only time I can say there was peace in the house. We would go about our own business from day to day, until one night she decided she would give me a final ultimatum: Either I choose her or the Church.

I let her know that under no circumstances would I be leaving my faith. Due to my response, she said I had to take everything and leave that night. I told her strongly that I would do it, but after considering the time of night and that I also paid for that home, I told her that I would not leave that night, but at the end of the month.

At that time she threatened to call the police on me, but I knew I had just as much rights as she did to stay in our home, so I went to my room. She didn’t like my response and forced her way into the room I was now sleeping in. Whenever I tried to speak, she physically attacked me. She physically attacked me twice. I decided to call the police.

The cops showed up and spoke to both of us. We explained the story to the police and Michele never denied hitting me, but still somehow I felt like they had come to speak to me rather than to her. I was insistent on staying in my own home, but the police mentioned that if they had to return due to another complaint, that someone would be going to jail. I understood that me, being the man in the house, even though I was not the one attacking, would more than likely end up going to jail. Since Michele was willing to attack me, I thought she was capable of doing anything. Who knows, she might hit herself and then blame it on me. I decided to leave that night. The police waited for me to get some of my things and walked me out.

That night I stayed at a friend’s house. I never lived under the same room as Michele Colón after that night. She and I arranged for a day that I could come and pick up my things, and I moved out by the end of that week.

Michele continuously sent me more and more defamatory information about the Church. Even though she would say that she missed me or loved me, to tell you the truth, I didn’t feel like she did. I felt that she took it more like a loss against the Church, rather than the loss of her husband.

I look back now and realize that Michele’s strong character seemed to create rocky relationships and conflicts everywhere she went. Her relationship with her family was not the best even before we started attending the Church, and this carried out with other people as well. I recall her getting extremely upset with one of our friends from the dance studio after the woman had given me and her a hug to talk to us. Michele became enraged and forbade me to speak with the woman ever again because she had touched me.

In my time being married to Michele Colón, I came to realize that she is not at all the person she portrays herself to be, or who I originally thought she was. She is sneaky, manipulative and spiteful, and will go to all ends to not let herself be exposed and seen for who she truly is. At the end of the day, her motive is to win. She cannot accept defeat.

I didn’t want to have to do this, I wanted to keep my personal matters private. But I am left with no choice seeing the way Michele misinforms the public about the World Mission Society Church of God and our relationship. If you want to know about the World Mission Society Church of God, go and find out for yourself, don’t listen to people like Michele Colón. Remember, there must be a reason why even though she left, I remained a member. It is because in no other Church have I come to learn the words of God the way I did at the World Mission Society Church of God.

As you can see by Michele Colon’s former husband’s testimony, Michele Colón has not been completely honest about her involvement with the World Mission Society Church of God. When we read the story from him, we can see that Michele could not tolerate her husband’s chosen faith and, instead of accepting him for who he is and what he believes in, she decided to make his life unbearable. She wants to blame the Church for her inability to sustain a healthy marriage, and now she wants to ruin the Church’s reputation. The news outlets that recently featured Ms. Colon failed to tell you the whole story, in favor of sensationalism and shares.

As Michele’s former husband suggested, if you really want to know about the World Mission Society Church of God, please visit the nearest Church to you. Your visit will help you understand what the Church is about, and you will be able to see past the cloud of negativity some try to build around the Church.


  1. Brittley

    Wow! After reading this, I truly feel so sorry for the ex-husband. He became a victim of a hate crime committed by his own wife! He had to suffer so much while trying to maintain a relationship with her and even now after they’ve separated she is still trying to publicly humiliate and defamate his character. All of this, just because of his beliefs. Truly extreme acts of hatred and evil.

    Unfortunately, she was blinded by her hatred and was unable to see that her actions led to the failure of her marriage. I can see that her fabricated accusations were malicious intents to do harm and not good.

    We should not be concerned about the opinions and words of those who don’t even follow the commands of God and commit acts of hatred, such as was the case in this story, but should only focus and concern ourselves with how God views and evaluates us. As we can see through the testimony of the Bible, the Church of God is the ONLY church in the world that follows and teaches the commands and will of God, while serving the members of the surrounding communities. Truly I can say that is something to be proud of and I am so thankful to be a member of this amazing church!

  2. Patricia

    Wow thank God the truth is exposed. Michele left him no choice but to tell the public what really was going on. No one should judge the WMSCOG based off opinions of someone who is bitter or even “cult experts” who have never attended a bible study.

  3. DJ

    All I know is if my wife started beating and threatening me I wouldn’t feel comfortable sleeping in the same house either. Wow, she really crossed the line. I hope she stops attacking the church and do some soul searching of her own. And maybe get a life.

  4. Jose Rojas

    Clearly the problem wasn’t anything or anyone else ,but her . When you point your finger at others , remember there are clearly 3 fingers pointing back at you. And it’s proven True through the false claims of Michelle colon . Im very glad that her ex-husband gave the true testimony to confirm once again that the World Mission society Church of God is a great church.

  5. Leo

    It’s sad the media will do anything for a “story”. What I can notice is that Michelle, once she had seen the bad mouthing of the Internet, never stopped going and rather continued all the more. And every time she went, her marriage just got worse. Either the Internet manipulated her that bad or she really didn’t care about her marriage. Either way, I don’t see how she can blame the husband or the church. Michelle wants someone who does what she wants, in other words a man with no character. The brother, though patient, stood for what he believed in. I know he’s happy. Is she??

  6. Omar

    God bless you!!! Brother, it was very sad for me to read your story, because I’m also a member of The World Mission Society Church of God and my story is completely the oposite. When me and my wife did not know the thruth of the Bible and did not go to WMSCOG our relationship a very rocky one, I have to mention that before I did not even speak to my wife parents due to some arguments. And as soon as me and my started to study the Bible and attend to WMSCOG regularly our relationship began to improve. After almost three years of no speaking to my in-laws, in just a couple of months I was not only speaking to them, I was also study the Bible with them and they both became members of WMSCOG. Now that me and me wife are more aware of God’s will and any time differences arise we both have the tools work it out. And we both are thankful to God the Father and God the Mother for their infinite love and help to our marriage. Brother I’m very happy that despite all the difficulties you faced you decided to maintain your faith. I hope God gives the same strenght if some day I have to face any persecution due to my faith. Thanks!!! for sharing your story God bless you so much!!!!

  7. Azzy

    The media of course now days is consumer driven and mainly for entertainment. So it’s no surprise justice was not served (yet) for Michele Colons ex-husband or the World Mission Society Church of God through the media.
    Thank you for this article and revealing the truth about this woman who is expressing her own biased opinions on the Internet.
    Truth is truth when it comes to the bible. And if you get the chance to study it you will see that everything the World Mission Society Church of God follows is the truth of the bible that leads to salvation. Please go see for yourself!

  8. Charmaine D.

    It’s very sad that Michelle blames the Church of God for her unstable life. The way she portrays herself and acted out is the complete opposite of the teachings taught from the bible in which the Church of God follows. If you want to have an opinion on something it is better to have your own experience rather than base your judgement off of someone else’s experience.

  9. Ivan

    After having read all 5 parts of this series I was able to see both sides of the story. It is clearly evident that Michele destroyed her own marriage. Had she supported her husband in his faith though she herself disagreed, they would probably still be married today. Thus, the one who wrecked the marriage was none other than Michele herself. It was due to her own selfishness that she invented lies and spread false rumors against the church, making it her mission to bring the closest people in her husbands life to go against him. Then, how is it that she insists that it was all the church’s fault for the end of her marriage? It’s like two kids who fight over a lollipop and when one wins the other blames the mom for giving the lollipop in the first place. Michele’s accusations against the church have no basis, no substance, and all in all have no truth.

  10. Natasha

    The truth is always brought to light, not matter how much colon tries to speak against the WMSCOG she will never succeed. She is making tireless attempts to continue on her charade of making herself look like a victim, it’s really pathetic if you as me.

    I believe she should just move on, accepting the fact that she pushed her ex-husband away through her insane antics, and stop speaking against the WMSCOG.

    The WMSCOG is a beautiful place where the word of God is not just studied and understood, but it is put to practice. Having been a member of the WMSCOG for 8 years, I can truly say that it is an oasis within this hectic and tumultuous world.

  11. naomi

    Well this is quite a fight a Spiritual Battle I mean but we all know that in the end it is GOD who wins. My best friend also turned away from the truth because she wasn’t able to control her emotions, she suddenly turned into a different person and is not like before. She said about the “Mind Controlling” thing that never actually happened. She’s just upset and she feels that she’s unloved even though we tried to give her Love. She’s just not satisfied with everything that’s given to her. It’s sad that things go out like this. But it’s a part of our Life of Faith. It just goes to show that “Whoever stands firm in the end will be saved” and “being faithful even to the point of death”. I give thanks to God Elohim for allowing us to remain in the love. Because God said “Whoever belongs to God hear what God’s says. The reason why you do not hear is because you do not belong to God.”John 8:47

  12. liyali

    What a story! I’m glad he was able to get out of that situation. I can’t even image what that night was like. People call the WMSCOG crazy, but this is definitely the craziest thing I’ve ever read.

    It’s too bad her life’s ambition is to go against the Church of God. Like it says in Acts 5:38, “Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”

    The World Mission Society Church of God was established by God, so we know in advance how it will end.

  13. Cory

    I really hope that everyone can read this! The articles and reports that she has been behind also need to read this! She has attached so much negativity to the Church of God for no reason and in my opinion, she should be charged. Nobody did anything to her and she is clearly lying and misinforming everyone. Time to let it go Michele. Picking a fight with God is a bad idea.

  14. Antonia

    Awesome series! I hope everyone takes the time to read the other side of this story instead of believing mindless rumors!

  15. Cece

    Michele Colon just wanted an excuse to leave God to begin with. The thing about our beautiful church, is that we do actually follow God’s teachings. God’s truth is different from the “truth,” if you can even call it that, the world holds to. The world’s truth is that God is a hobby, not a faith, a concept you somewhat believe in to show good face or not worry about what happens after you die. Because of that stigma, people focus more on how to live the ideal life on this earth, whether or not it is correct Biblically or not.

    Happens all the time. People desire things outside of God’s truths, they want money, fame, material, or their own delusional idea of “life,” and God just gets in the way of that to them. So finally their own selfish interest suck them back into the world, and they ultimately stand against God. Some personally, others take it publically and try to kill the souls of others.

    That’s all this was. She hated God to begin with and found her poor excuse of “It’s a cult,” to escape the oh so dreadful life of keeping God’s commandments and loving Them.

    We watched the whole interview at our Zion here in the Midwest and even the newly baptized members were laughing at her. Not to mention the hidden donation account she has online in her efforts to stop our church from making more victims (ha ha,)in which she has garnished over 100,000.00 in the past years.

    What’s sad is that the case has been closed for a couple years, judged and never to be opened again, which means she continues to deceive many people even today, to keep donating to her wallet.

    Well, Satan does love money; his children do too.